Det kommer information från flera håll om att det för närvarande är stor brist på transportmöjligheter på Haiti. Material och räddningsteam blir kvar på flygplatsen på grund av brist på transporter och drivmedel. Läs mer på Svenska Dagbladet
Följande har kommit från IRO, den internationella räddningshundorganisationen, till oss aktiva:
Dear NRO,
Concerning the earthquake in Haiti I’m sending you a statement from Andreas Quint:
“Help from Europe is meanwhile concentrating on medical care and to supply the victims. There are big problems with flight connections from Europe and with landing possibilities in Haiti or the Dominican Republic, which was a reason why we didn’t deploy with rescue dog teams yesterday.
For us it was early foreseeable that help in time through rescue dog teams from Europe was not reasonable. This is confirmed through USAR teams which had deployed to Haiti very early yesterday and still not have arrived in the disaster area.This provoked other European USAR teams, like REDOG, AFDRU and THW SEEBA, to stop their USAR efforts.
Some IRO member organisations try to organise their own deployment. In the face of the troubles and reports from USAR teams in Haiti and the Dominican Republic, which are not able to get into the disaster area due to problems of transportation, we do not recommend to deploy with rescue dog teams from Europe.”With best regards,
Thomas NeckamInternationale Rettungshunde Organisation - IRO
Thomas Neckam
Moosstrasse 32
A - 5020 Salzburg
Sammanfattningsvis brist på infrastruktur. Även ett svenskt räddningsteam (USAR, Urban Search and Rescue) från MSB (Myndigheten för Samhällsskydd och Beredskap) skulle ha varit beroende av lokala transporter för den tunga utrustningen…
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